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Stewart A. Mallory

Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Stewart Mallory Headshot


Postdoctoral Scholar, Caltech
Ph.D. in Chemical Physics, Columbia University
B.S. in Chemistry, University of Hawaii
B.A. in Mathematics, University of Hawaii



Honors and Awards

UChicago MRSEC Rising Stars In Soft and Biological Matter
Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemical Sciences
NSF-AGEP Postdoctoral Fellowship
George Pegram Award for Meritorious Achievement in Chemical Research
Jack Miller Teaching Award
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Phi Beta Kappa
Society of Chemical Industries Scholar 
Magistad Award: Outstanding Chemistry Graduate

Research Interest

The fundamental challenge in our group is to answer several open questions concerning the collective behavior and mechanical properties of soft active matter systems. Using a combination of state-of-the-art simulation and analytical theory, we characterize and leverage the novel behavior of these self-driven colloidal systems to design the next generation of soft functional materials and microfluidic devices. By generalizing concepts in classical statistical mechanics and liquid state theory to active systems, we can reach the stage where reliable, robust predictions useful for material or biological engineering are possible.



To usher in this next wave of innovation in soft materials and tunable complex liquids, it is crucial to develop a theoretical and computational framework capable of systematically quantifying the individual and collective dynamics of self-propelled or active colloidal particles in various complex environments. Our goal is to understand the intricate interplay between active, thermal, hydrodynamic, and dispersive forces that drive collective behavior. This represents one of the more significant challenges in theoretical soft condensed matter as these systems are fundamentally out of equilibrium. The new theoretical tools we develop will be used in concert with computer simulation to systematically characterize the phase behavior and critical phenomena of active colloidal systems, especially as it relates to the self-assembly of new colloidal materials.

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