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Louis Leblond

Teaching Professor of Physics, Department Ombudsperson
Louis Leblond


Teaching Professor of Physics
Director of Online Education in Physics
Eberly College Guide (informally ombudsperson)


Université Laval (B.Sc.), 2001
Cornell University (Ph.D.), 2006

Research Interests

Physics Education Research. I am interested in assessing new innovative learning tools in online education particularly related to science laboratories. I study innovating teaching that aim to better develop students' self-regulatory learning,  critical thinking and communication skills. I also do research related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity and Accessibility. 

Recent Professional Development

  • 2020 American Association os Physics Teachers Inclusivity Workshop
  • Rainbow Science Network
  • Member of APS-IDEA (Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity Alliance) since 2020

Selected Publications

List of publications on arXiv or google scholar

  1. RASE: Modeling cumulative disadvantage due to marginalized group status in academia: S Shandera, JL Matsick, DR Hunter, L Leblond, PLOS one 16 (12), e0260567
  2. Designing Laboratories for Online Instruction using the iOLab Device Leblond, Louis, and Melissa Hicks The Physics Teacher 59.5 (2021): 351-355
  3. Mastering Physics Efficacy Report Correlational Study and Longitudinal Study.  Christine Leow, Kenneth Lee, Yun Jin Rho, Louis Leblond and Eric Hudson, Proceedings AERA conference, 2019
  4. On the Decay of Massive Fields in de Sitter, D. P. Jatkar, L. Leblond, A. Rajaraman,  Phys. Rev. D 85, 024047 (2012), arXiv:1107.3513 [hep-th]
  5. Breakdown of Semiclassical Methods in de Sitter Space, C. P. Burgess, R. Holman, L. Leblond and S. Shandera, JCAP, 1010 017 (2010), arXiv:1005.3551 [hep-th]
  6. Constructing Infrared Finite Propagators in Inflating Space-time, J. Kumar, L. Leblond and A. Rajaraman, Phys. Rev. D 82, 023525 (2010), arXiv:1002.4214 [hep-th].
  7. Scale Dependent Local Non-Gaussianity from Loops, J. Kumar, L. Leblond and A. Rajaraman, JCAP 1004, 024 (2010) arXiv:0909.2040 [astro-ph.CO].
  8. Mirage in the Sky: Non-thermal Dark Matter, Gravitino Problem, and Cosmic Ray Anomalies, B. Dutta, L. Leblond and K. Sinha, Phys. Rev. D 80, 035014 (2009), arXiv:0904.3773 [hep-ph].
  9. Gravitational Waves from Broken Cosmic Strings: The Bursts and the Beads, L. Leblond, B. Shlaer and X. Siemens, Phys. Rev. D 79, 123519 (2009) arXiv:0903.4686 [astro-ph.CO].